Breast Cancer Awareness| Breast Cancer's Awareness and Early Detection Are The Key | Dr. Manoj Dongare

Breast Cancer’s Awareness and Early Detection Are The Key

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women around the globe. However, in comparison to the developed nations, India’s cancer incidence is far lower. Nevertheless, the death rates are still higher due to late detection. Many studies have had similar findings indicating that when breast cancer is detected early in its localized stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is more than 90%. To ensure early detection of breast cancer, awareness and eliminating the stigma around the disease are crucial steps. WHO has dedicated the month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month to encourage global initiatives towards spreading valuable information about breast cancer and helping people understand the importance of early diagnosis, which can save a huge number of lives.

Breast Cancer Awareness - Four Key Tips on Early Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Breast cancer can be treated easily if detected at an early stage. Awareness is very important for women to know what kind of changes are the warning alerts. It has been seen that many women with breast cancer do not get any symptoms till an advanced age. This is why regular screening is important. Here are a few tips recommended by specialists from Dr. Manoj Dongare. He is the Best Cancer Specialist in Pune, PCMC.

1. Practice Breast Self-Examination:

It is important to perform regular breast self-examination to detect breast cancer at an early stage. Here is how you can do it at home:

Visual Examination

Place your arms at your sides and either sit or stand in front of a mirror. To visually inspect your breasts, take the following actions:

  • Look for any differences in the size or shape of the breasts.
  • Check for any dimpling puckering or unusual asymmetry.
  • Check if the nipples are inverted and look for any unusual discharge.
  • Raise your arms and push your palms together to check for any irregularity in shape or size.

Examine With Your Fingers

  • Lie down on a flat surface by putting one of your hands around your neck or head.
  • Now with the other hand, touch your breast firmly and examine it in a circular motion. Check if you feel any lumps in that area.
  • In the same pattern, explore the entire area of your breasts including the collarbone and armpit.
2. Annual Screening For Women Over 40's:

Annual screening tests are crucial for women over 40. If you are over 40+, then you must go for an annual mammography screening. Mammography is a more accurate way to interpret if any possibilities are there. Get your mammography done and checked By Dr. Manoj Dongare. Women in their 20s or 30s should also consider getting screened for breast cancer at least every 2-3 years.

3. Know Your Risks And Possibilities:

Knowing your risks and working towards them is key to surviving breast cancer. For instance, if you have a family history of breast cancer, then you must consider regular screening. If your mother or sister had breast cancer before their menopause arrived, then you are in more trouble than others. In such cases, you should go for MRI scans along with annual mammogram screenings.

4. Check for any warning signs or early symptoms:

You must know how your breasts normally look and feel so that you can identify if any changes occur. Here are some signs and symptoms of breast cancer to look out for:

  • A hard, painless lump in the breast, upper chest, or armpit
  • Any unusual change in the nipple like an inverted nipple or any inflammation
  • Unusual discharge from the nipple
  • Swelling in a part or full breast even when there is no lump
  • Skin dimpling
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Breast pain may not be a sign of cancer but any unusual pain must be reported to the Dr. Manoj Dongare

It is important to understand the symptoms explained above can happen due to other conditions as well. This is why it is important to get screened frequently at a Breast Cancer Treatment in Wakad, Pune. Also, it is always best to take precautions that can help avoid breast cancer. Certain lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or alcohol intake limit your possibility of encountering breast cancer. Keep a healthy diet and get advice from a cancer specialist about certain foods to limit or avoid. Indulge yourself in regular physical activities. For lactating mothers, it is very important to know that breastfeeding minimizes the possibility of developing breast cancer.

Holistic Breast Cancer Treatment & Care at Cloverleaf Speciality Clinic, Wakad, Pune:

Cloverleaf Speciality Clinic offers the best breast cancer treatment with renowned oncologists and cutting-edge technologies like Respiratory Gating Therapy, Breast Reconstruction by Plastic Surgery, and Digital Mammography for precise diagnosis, etc. Designed with a patient-centric approach, you can get the best services for early diagnosis and the right treatment for breast cancer here. Dr. Manoj Dongare offers Cancer Treatment in Pune at Cloverleaf Speciality Clinic offers prevention screenings, breast cancer checks, and women’s health services. Call us at 09881379573 or 9226822020 to schedule an appointment!!!

About Dr. Manoj Dongare

Dr. Manoj Dongare is currently working at Dr. D.Y. Patil Hospital and research center, Pimpri as a Senior Consultant in HPB & Liver Transplantation and Assistant Professor in Surgical Oncology. He is one of the best Liver Transplant and HPB surgeons in PCMC and Pune. He has more than 16 years of experience in the field of Liver transplants, HPB Surgeries, and surgical oncology. Dr. Manoj Dongare has completed his 3 years Surgical oncology Residency at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. He also did a 6-month fellowship in Gynecological Oncology at center Oscar Lambret, Lille, France. He then Practiced as a consultant in Surgical Oncology in Aurangabad for 5 Years. He then worked as a Fellow in HPB and Liver Transplantation at Kings College Hospital, London for a year and then spent another year at St. James Hospital, Leeds UK. He then moved to Delhi and worked as a Consultant in Liver Transplantation at Max Hospital Saket, Delhi for almost a year.

He has a Special Interest in Complex HPB Surgery, Cadaveric, and Living Donor Liver Transplantation, and Surgical Oncology. He has been actively involved in over 600 liver Transplants, 300 Pancreatic Resections (including portal vein resections, Post chemoradiation), and 400 liver resections for colorectal metastasis and HCCs, Extended hepatectomies +/- Vascular resections for cholangiocarcinomas, 2 stage hepatectomies, and ALPPS and over 2000 cancer surgeries.